Navigating Developmental Milestones: How Pediatricians Monitor and Support Growth

Some parents are enthusiastic to share all their child's milestones because they're ahead of the game. Unfortunately, other parents worry that their child isn’t experiencing those milestones. No matter which sounds more like you, Meadows Medical Center, serving Kokomo, IN, and the surrounding area, is available for guidance. Our pediatrician, Dr. Dana Stewart, will provide the necessary monitoring for growth and development. Here's what to expect:

Every Child Is Different

 We'd like to stress that every child is different, including when it comes to their growth and development. They may reach certain milestones sooner than others. So, just because your friend's kid of the same age is doing much more than yours doesn't mean there's a problem. 

Asking You Questions

 You can expect as your child is growing that our pediatrician in Kokomo, IN, will ask you questions to evaluate your kid's development. We ask you to answer honestly and to the best of your ability so we can accurately gauge your child's progress. 

Some areas we'll ask about include:

  • Holding their head up
  • Sitting up
  • Rolling over
  • Crawling
  • Standing
  • Walking
  • Speaking (number of words)

Giving You Advice 

 While some kids just develop more slowly and there's nothing wrong with it, we can provide you with advice on how you can promote optimal growth and development. 

For instance, if your child isn't rolling over yet, we'll suggest they have more "tummy time" and will recommend games and activities you can do with them to help them develop the right muscles.

Diagnosing Any Issues 

 While sometimes intervention at home is enough to help your child reach those milestones, this isn't always the case. In these instances, your kid may have a developmental issue that's impeding their progress. In this case, your child will need treatment for that condition. Often, this may include some type of therapy from a professional. 

For instance, let's say they're having difficulty speaking. We may refer you to a speech therapist who can work with your child to get them to speak clearly and learn more words.

Physical therapy is an option if your child isn't sitting up, standing, or walking at appropriate ages.

At Meadows Medical Center, serving Kokomo, IN, and the neighboring communities, Dr. Stewart, our pediatrician, is available to ensure your child is growing and developing properly. We'll ask you questions at each visit about your child's development and encourage you to voice any concerns.

Call 765-252-4575 to book an appointment.

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Our Regular Schedule

Meadows Medical Center


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm

After Hours Clinic: 5:00 - 7:00 PM


8:00 am-3:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm

After Hours Clinic: 5:00 - 7:00 PM


8:00 am-2:00 pm





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